Eric Kripke

Eric Kripke : "When we started casting, we had archetypes in mind, which were Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. We were really looking for Sam to be empathetic, kind, and likeable, and really the audience surrogate. The person who the audience would most see themselves as and really carry the story through their eyes. And that required a really unique likeability. For Dean, we were looking for Han Solo. We were looking for devil-may-care, charismatic, a little rough around the edges, a little edgy, says things that are not always the kindest thing, as long as they're funny. And that was really what we started out with."

Monday 7 October 2013

Supernatural S9 PREMIER !!! I'm freaking out about this !!!

Here are more teasers for the upcoming S9 Premier "I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here "
I'm not so sure about this !! It really freak me out. They won't waste any time to put us in a stress mode.( I know, we just say that but don't we love it when they take us on emotional roller coaster mode ? )

Also more :

Source:out-in-the-open on Tumblr

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