Eric Kripke

Eric Kripke : "When we started casting, we had archetypes in mind, which were Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. We were really looking for Sam to be empathetic, kind, and likeable, and really the audience surrogate. The person who the audience would most see themselves as and really carry the story through their eyes. And that required a really unique likeability. For Dean, we were looking for Han Solo. We were looking for devil-may-care, charismatic, a little rough around the edges, a little edgy, says things that are not always the kindest thing, as long as they're funny. And that was really what we started out with."

Sunday 13 October 2013

This Deal Will Cost You S901 ' I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here '

So much emotions went on while I was watching the premier of Season 9 !!
I'd like to congratulations the team which are all casts , crews , writers and all who involved to make the wonderful show. We are now in 9th season but seems not to slowdown soon. Also social network has done more good than harm to bring new audiences.
Dean said "It's not suppose to happen !"
It's getting tougher for The brothers specially Dean. The very worse nightmare could happen is loosing Sam.
Many might argue about Dean's decision.
But what would you do if you will loosing someone you love the most.
If you follow the show from the start. I might be wrong about this But Kripke said it many times. This show is about this two brothers And I am glad because the premier just has done that !!
The brothers had made hard decisions but above all that They do their best to deal with the problem in front of them. And yes it always has consequences they have to deal with after.
About Sam's part which want to let go.We've heard he kept asking Dean ( the one in his head )whether he has any plan Dean kept saying " I'm working on it " which mean Nothing right now ! Sam's decision to die is not out of character at all in my opinion
Many times in the real world we know some people who have very serious sickness ask or request the doctor or family to let them out of pain. It's a fine line could we let go of them or try to hold on as long as we could ?? For Sam, he's ready to let go he's never want this kind of life He ran away from it lots of time The only thing keep him on the road is Dean. On the other hand Dean's also never wanted this life either The only thing meant to him the most is Sam Not save the world !!or fight the Angels or Devil. They have to be the one who have to do this for the world. Not their choice Isn't it ALWAYS !
So it comes to understand each of them purpose Both of them have different views but they always be there for each other.
When Sam asks Dean (disguised Angel )" What do I do ?" I felt die a little !! It such a great scene for both It makes me chill in my spines ! I see Sam as a little brother again ask his brother who he trust the most to lead him and save him
This is why I think we love them so much because they keep each other human
Jeremy told Dean's decision will lead to the story through out this season. I love to see bobby but I don't know how many time we could deal with he's gone again
Meanwhile Cas turning human and realize he has to live here at least for a while.I think Cas quite happy to be a human as he's one of team free will. But sure his road ahead will be rough one.
Also I won't forget New character New Angel " Ezekiel
          I wish we could see more of him again ! I love his deep voice !

I cant wait for the next episode more characters we love will back
Check out the next episode promo here

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